LNS Explores the White Night of Physics – Itineris Training Platform

LNS Explores the White Night of Physics

Event with the participation of INFN – LNS for the presentation of the ITINERIS project.

The LNS Explora event organized by the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) of INFN was held in Catania on 23 and 24 May 2024 to promote scientific culture through shows, sports and live music, involving citizens in the discovery of research activities scientific. The event, open to all age groups, was an opportunity to present, to over 500 people, the ITINERIS project and the activities carried out by INFN – LNS for the creation of a cabled submarine node that will guarantee high-speed data connections speed via optical fiber and the transmission of electrical power from land to the seabed. LNS-INFN researchers have developed highly sensitive underwater acoustic sensors and ultra-low-noise electronics to create an ultra-precise acoustic positioning system for the KM3NeT telescope. This technology has proven to be a formidable tool for identifying and tracking cetaceans and for monitoring marine noise pollution. In the future, it can also be used to search for the very faint acoustic signals that should be produced by the interaction of very high energy neutrinos in water.


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